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7 Hottest Reasons Why Raila Must Be President of Kenya 2017

I will disagree by the latest polls that Uhuru Kenyatta is the far Most popular person in Kenya.Like how ?
This man Raila Odinga,Baba is also famous.Indeed he is.

Away from that,Who doesnt know man RAO?
Raila Amollo Odinga,the most succesful opposition leader in Kenya and entire Afrika.He has been there,he is there and he will always be there.

R.t Hon Raila Odinga together with his opposition leader refused to get their "service allowance" to serve Kenyans.He is not after money but to Serve Kenyans.

This man Raila does not allow corruption to be associated with him.Remember he us the guy who has showcased Jubilee Government Mega Corruption Scandals.

Truth be told.Raila is more Digital than the entire Jubilee Government.Yes,he is proposing that IEBC conduct the general election on a digital platform.But this is a debate that has gained mixed reaction from various stakeholders.This includes SK Macharia who said that the person who won the 2007 election was not announced as the winner.

I still believe that Raila Odinga who has support of more than 20 counties in Kenya,has strong and firm attitude towards his goals and targets.He made sure that the IEBC commissioners were out of office and new ones appointed.

This is the president that Kenyans need.Some disloyal bloggers the likes of Robert Alai,who sponsor they posts to attack Raila Odinga.We know they ill motives.Alai is a person who is quickly offended by a tweet from a mere SONU chair Babu Owino.

Uhuru Kenyatta Won after a he once lost a presidential election.Same case applies to Kibaki and now its Raila Odinga.

Infact Raila Odinga has invested much on the 2017 election and wait and see what will happen.

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